Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Joy of Music

Hello fellow bloggers! Recently people have been asking me why I chose to play the oboe. It also surprises me how people don't even realize the benefits of music... So I have decided to inform you all (my wonderful audience) on the wonders of music and why I chose to play the oboe.
In my opinion, music is the most cognitively pleasing thing that a person can do for themselves. When people listen to music, the different songs have effects on various parts of the brain, such as memory and vision. This can lead to higher brain function in reading and mathematics. Music also makes people feel emotion. When playing or listening to music you enjoy, it stimulates different parts of your brain and can make you feel joy and reduce your stress. Listening to the right kind of music can relieve depression, as musical therapy is often used on patients with emotion distress. I chose to play the oboe because I have a passion for music :) Music lets me relax from my daily life. When I'm super stressed I like to play songs I know how to play well on the piano. That way I can just play for hours on end because I don't have to get frustrated and I sound great :) The oboe is a little more frustrating though, but I always feel 10x better when I know I've mastered a song (like hot crossed buns!).
Also, I recently put a video of my quintet from the Michigan Youth Arts Festival on youtube for my gramma to see it, but here's the link so you all can watch it :)

So far I have two whole views on it (I know, I'm so popular).

So I really don't have anything else to say... I'm still working on the oboe and I hope to have a piece learned by the date of our presentation in 2 or 3 weeks! 

Also, I've been reading some other blogs from other students in my English Class (who are also doing the 20-time project) and I'd have to say that my favorite blog that I've been reading would be my friend Cindy's blog ( ). She's extremely talented and her poems are beautiful :') 

Okay goodbye friends! Until next time- Julia

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! Great post. I will have to check out grandma's video. I like your shout out.
